Thursday, March 31, 2011

When is Lailatul-Qadr...Ya, Ibn 'Abbas?...


This is story which proves the vastness of his understanding and his ability to exercise logic in matters which are confusing to the people:

It is reported on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas ra that 'Umar bin Al-Khattab rha st with some of the Companions of the Messenger of ALLAH saw from among the Muhajiruun and they mentioned Lailatul-Qadr. Some of them spoke of what they had heard about it and the people disagreed regarding it.

'Umar rha said: "What ails you, Ibn 'Abbas that you remain silent and do not speak? Speak and do not let your youthfulness deter you".

Ibn 'Abbas ra said: "Oh, Commander of the Faithful! Verily, ALLAH, the Most high is Witr (an odd number-in the case of ALLAH, One), and He loves Witr.

He made the days of the week seven.

He created mankind from seven.

He created our sustenance from seven.

He created above us seven heavens

He created below us seven earths

He gave us the seven oft-repeated Verses. (The seven oft-repeated Verses: Surat Al-Fatihah)

He forbade marriage to seven relatives

He divided inheritance in His book among seven.

We prostrate on seven points on our bodies.

The Messenger of ALLAH saw circumambulated the Ka'abah seven times.

The Prophet performed seven circuits between As-Safa and Al-Marwah.

The Prophet stoned the Jamarat  seven times.

In order to fulfill the Command of ALLAH, as written in His Book and He showed it- Lailatul-Qadr during the last seven nights of Ramadan and ALLAH knows better."

'Umar rha was impressed and he said: "No one has confirmed what I heard from the Messenger of ALLAH saw except this boy, whose skull bones have not yet joined together. Verily, the Messenger of ALLAH saw said: "Look for it during, the last ten nights." Oh these people! Who can reply to me in this as Ibn 'Abbas has done?".

Child Companions around the PROPHET (Peace be Upon Him):
Prepared by: Darussalam Research Division


Saturday, March 19, 2011




When the two parties approached closer and were visible to each other, the Prophet saw began supplicating ALLAH:

"O ALLAH! The proud and arrogant Quraishites are already here rebelling against You and belying Your Messenger. O ALLAH! I am waiting for your victory which You have promised me.I beg You ALLAH to defeat them (the enemies)." 

He also gave strict orders that this men would not start fighting until e gave them his final word. He recommended that they use their arrows carefully (sahih Al-Bukhari 2/568) and never resort to sword unless the enemies came very close (Abu Dawud 2/13).

Abu Jahl also prayed for victory, saying: "Our Lord, whichever of the two parties was less kind to his relatives, and brought us what we do not know, then destroy him tomorrow." They were confident that their superior number, equipment and experience would be decisive. ALLAH revealed:

"(O disbelievers) if you ask for a judgement, now has the judgement come unto you and if you cease (to do wrong), it will be better for you, and if you return (to the attack), so shall We return, and your forces will be of no avail to you, however numerous it be, and verily, ALLAH is with the believers." [8:19] 


The first disbeliever to start the fire of the battle and be its first victim was Al-Aswad bin 'Abdul-Asad Al-Makhzumi, a fierce bad-tempered idolater. He stepped out swearing he would drink from the water basin of the Muslims, otherwise, destroy it or die for it.

He engaged with HAMZAH bin 'Abdul-Muttalib ra, who struck his leg with his sword and dealt him another blow that finished him off inside the basin.


The battle had actually started. Protected by armor and shileds, 'Utbah bin Rabi'ah stepped forth between his brother Shaibah and his son Al-Walid bin 'Utbah from the lines of Quraish and cursed the Muslims. Three young men of the Helpers came out against them: 'Awf and Mu'awwidh-the sons of Harith, and 'Abdullah bin Rawahah. But the Makkans shouted that they had nothing to do with them. They wanted the heads of their cousins. Upon the Prophet saw asked 'Ubaidah bin Al-Harith, Hamzah-his uncle, and his cousin 'Ali to go forward for the combat. The Three duels rapid. Hamzah ra killed Shaibah, while 'Ali rha killed Al-Walid (Mishkat 2/343). 'Ubaidah was seriously wounded but, before he fell, Hamzah fell upon 'Utbah and with a sweep of his sword, cut off his head. 'Ali and Hamzah carried 'Ubaidah back with his leg cut off. He died four or five days later of a disease in the bile duct.

'Ali rha used to swear that ALLAH's words were revealed about them:

"These two opponents (believers and disbelievers), dispute with each other about their Lord." [22:19]

The duel was followed by a few more duels but the Makkans suffered terrible defeats in all the combats and lost some of their most precious lives. They were to much frustrated and angry and fell upon the Muslims to destroy them once and for all. The Muslims, however, after supplicating their Lord, calling upon Him for help, were made to hold to their position and conduct a defensive war plan that was successful enough to inflict heavy losses on the attackers. The Prophet saw used to pray to his Lord persistently day and night to come to their help. When the fierce engagement grew too hot he again began to supplicate his Lord saying:

"O ALLAH! Should this group (of Muslims) be defeated today, You will no longer worshipped."

He continued to call out to his Lord, stretching forth his hands and facing Al-Qiblah, until his cloak fell off his shoulders. Then Abu Bakr rha came, picked up the cloak, and put it back on his shoulder and said: "O Prophet of ALLAH, you have cried out enough to your Lord. He will surely fulfill what He has promised you." Immediate was the response from ALLAH, Who sent down angels from the heavens for the help and assistance of the Prophet saw and his Companions. The Noble Qur'an observes:

"Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed, I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved." [8:12)

ALLAH the All-Mighty also inspired another message to His Messenger saw saying:

"I will help you with a thousand of the angels each behind the other (following one another) in succession." [8:9]


The Prophet saw, in his trellis, dozed off a little and then raised his head calling loudly in joy:

"O Abu Bakr, glad tidings are there for you: ALLAH's victory has approached, by ALLAH, I can see Jibreel on his mare in the thick of a sandstorm."

He then came swiftly upon the ground reciting aloud:

"Their multitude will be put to flight, and they will show their backs." [5:45]

At the instance of Jibreel as, the Prophet saw took a handful of gravel, cast it at the enemy and said: :Confusion seize their faces!" as he flung the dust, a violent sandstorm blew into the eyes of the enemies. With respect to this ALLAH says:

"And you (i.e., Muhammad saw) threw not when you did throw but ALLAH threw." [8:17]


Only then did he give clear orders to launch a counter-attack. He was commanding the army, inspiring confidence among his men and encouraged them to fight manfully for the sake of their Lord, reciting the Words of ALLAH:

"And be quick for forgiveness from your Lord and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth." [3:133]

The spirit he infused into his men was clearly witnessed by the valor of 'Umair, a lad of sixteen, who flung away some dates he was eating crying out: "These (the dates) are holding me back from Paradise." So saying he ran into the thick of battle and died fighting bravely. Unique deeds of valor, deep devotion and full obedience to the Prophet saw were exhibited in the process of the battle.

The army of the believers fought by the power of enthusiasm which the half-hearted warriors of Makkah miserably lacked. A large number of the polytheists were killed and the others began to waver. No wonder! The standard-bearers of Truth were given immediate help, and supernatural agencies (the angels), were sent to their assistance by their Lord to help them defeat the forces of evil.

The records of Hadith speak clearly of the fact that the angels did appear on that day and fought on the side of the Muslims. Ibn 'Abbas ra said: "While on that day a Muslim was chasing a disbelievers and he heard over him the swashing of a whip and the voice of the rider saying: "Go ahead Haizum." He glanced at the polytheist who had (now) fallen down on his back. The Helper came to ALLAH's Messenger saw and related that event to him. The Prophet saw replied: "You have told the truth. This was the help from the third heaven." (Sahih Muslim 2/93).

One of the Helpers captured 'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib, who said: "O Messenger of ALLAH, by ALLAH, this man did not capture me, I was captured by a man who was bald and had the most handsome face, and who was riding a piebald horse, I cannot see him here among the people." The Helper interrupted: "I captured him, O Messenger of ALLAH. "The Prophet saw replied:
"Be quiet, ALLAH the All-Mighty strengthened you with the help of a noble angel"

Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum, THE SEALED NECTAR: Biography of The Noble Prophet SAW
Safi-ur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri
Islamic University Al-Madinah Al-Munawarrah


Sunday, March 6, 2011



May ALLAH be pleased with him  

 Period of Rule : 10 years 6 months and 4 days
                    Age : 63 years

Ibn Mas'ud ra said that Sayyidina Umar rha acceptance of Islam was a great victory for Islam, his emigration its success and his Khalifaat was a boon. In the eleven years of his rule Islam made the greatest strides and the Muslims accomplished their greatest triumphs for the couse of truth, yet Sayyidina Umar remained the humblest and simplest amongst the Muslims. Truly the most deserving of following in Rasulullah PBUH footsteps.

by Ulama' Doust Muhammad Qurashi ra.

1- He for whom the Beloved Prophet saw of ALLAH prayed for to fortify Islaam.

2- Whom ALLAH selected and deputed to elevate Islam

3- Before he accepetd Islam, Jibreel brought the good news to Prophet PBUH to welcome him.

4- Upon arrival Prophet welcomed him warm-heartily

5- He whose Imaan strengthened all the Sahaabahs Imaan

6- Even the earth expressed its happiness when he accepted Islam

7- The river Nile flowed strongly celebrating the happiness of his accepting Islam.

8- He was fortunate to enter the Ka'bah before all other Sahaabah.

9- Due to his entering the Ka'bah, the walls boasted with pride to the throne of ALLAH.

10- Whose advantageous arrival in Islam caused the well of Zam Zam to flow its sweetness to the river of Salsabeel in Jannat.

11- He challenged the kuffar and performed Salaat in front of them in Haram.

12- Sayyidina Ali regarded him as a very delightful person, firm on command.

13- When he called out "Ya Saariya-tul Jabaal" in Madinah, the voice was heard in Nahawand which alerted the Muslim army against the kuffar attack.

14- Due to his protection of modesty women were ordered to start wearing veils to cover their faces.

15- Through his du'a ALLAH revealed the clear prohibition of wine.

16- The conquered areas of land under his control reached 255 105 square miles.

17- When he said that the Quran was enough for salvation he just proved the purpose of prophet hood i.e to convey the message of the Quran.

18- In other words, it meant that whosoever has been guided by ALLAH then nobody can distract him from that path.

19- Whose shame and modesty reached the 4 corners of the world

20- During his Khilafat on one side he was engaged in dispatching an army to Iran whilst on the other side he was discussing issues with the messenger of Qaysan and Kisra. While preparing the victorious  army of Iran and Egypt, he was engrossed in deliberating with Khaleed ra and Muawiyah ra regarding war tactics. All this whilst he himself, had on patched clothes and wore an old turban and on his feet were old sandals.

21- Sometimes he would be on the mimbar explaining the orders of ALLAH and sometimes he would be carrying buckets of water on his shoulders feeding the poor, the destitute and the widows.

22- He was so rich that the kingdoms were spread at his feet but he opted for such simplicity that King's messengers could not even identify him.

23- His inner authority was so strong that his outer dignity seemed insignificant.

24- Although he was very particular in his religions affairs, he was just so soft in his personal affairs.

25- He established a 'Baitul Maal' for the safe -keeping of the state's wealth.

26- Because of his lofty political insight, offices for the armies were built and salaries fixed for the soldiers and volunteers.

27- With the blessing of his experiences, he had full control over the population register.

28- He also appointed daily provisions for the poor Christians and Jews.

29- For the comfort of travelers he erected wooden seats and resting places between Makkah and Madiinah.

30- For the safekeeping of the Quran he established the Traweeh Salaah to be read with jamaah with the consent of all the Sahabaah; up to the day of Qiyamat this will remain a blessing.

31- With the stamping of his feet Madiinah has been and shall be saved till Qiyamat from any form of earthquake.

32- Because of his fear of ALLAH he used to carry the daily provisions of the poor on his own shoulders.

33- By laying stress on tajweed he ensured that the Arabs were able to read properly.

34- In order for the people to know the Laws of ALLAH he made it compulsory for them to learn Surah's Baqarah, Nisa, Ma'idah, Haj and Noor.

35- For a town or city to run smoothly he appointed an administrative committee which consisted of staff,  an accountant, translator, doctor and surgeon.

36- During his Khilafaat, Fiqh was elevated to its maximum.

37- Because of his simplicity he was not afraid to sleep under a tree.

38- Because of his influence for justice over  his governors even the animals benefited.

39- He never took more than his portion from the war booty.

40- He proved his belief in the oneness of ALLAH by saying to the Hajr Aswad (the white stone from Jannah): "That you are not beneficial for the troublesome: we only kiss you because we saw Prophet saw kiss you".

by: M. Makbool A. Suhaarui
translated by: Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elise
