Saturday, April 16, 2011

'Abdullah bin 'Abbas (The Learned Man and the Sea of Knowledge)


His name is 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib ra, the learned man of this Ummah (Nation), a scholar of Qur'anic exegesis (Tafsir). It was said of him Al-Habr wal-Bahr (the learned Man and the Sea of knowledge).

He was known as Ibn 'Abbas. He was Al-'Abbas eldest son and he occupies an exalted status and high rank among the Companions of the Messenger of Allah saw. He was the cousin of the Messenger of Allah saw and in addition to this, he was one of the foremost Companions, being one of the first to believe in the Message of Muhammad saw.

It has been authentically reported from him that he said: "I and my mother were among the weak and oppressed (who first responded to the call of Islam). I was one of the boys and my mother one of the women (Siyar A'lam An-Nubala', vol. 3.)

Such an exalted status, a high rank and accumulation of blessings come to only a few people: A Companion, cousin of the Prophet saw, a Muslim when still a child and his blessings were completed by extensive knowledge, a superior intellect, piety and righteousness.


Ibn 'Abbas ra was a big man when he sat, he took the space of two men and extremely handsome. The hair at the front of his head and at the sides was white. He used to color his hair with henna, and it was said with black dye. He wore good clothes and used a lot of perfume, so much so that when he passed by on the road, the women would say: "This is Ibn 'Abbas, or a man with musk." He was tall, distinguished and white of countenance (Al-Isabah, vol. 4.).


ALLAH is fully Able to show supernatural things at the hands of some of His slaves and if these supernatural thisngs were at the hands of the Messenger of Allah saw, then these are miracles, and if they were for a believing man whom ALLAH choose, then they are tokens of His Favor: and He, the Most Glorified, the Most High 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas ra to receive one of these tokens of His Favor, for he may ALLAH be pleased with him saw Jibrail as with his own eyes.

It is reported on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas ra that he said: I was with my father and the Prophet saw and there was a man with him whom he was talking in confidence and he turned away from my father, so we left his presence and Al-'Abbas said: 

Al-'Abbas : "Did you not see your cousin turn away from me?"

Ibn 'Abbas: "There was a man talking in confidence to him." 

Al-'Abbas: "Or there was someone with him?". 

Ibn 'Abbas: "Yes."

Then Ibn 'Abbas father (Al-'Abbas) returned to Prophet and ask: "Oh, Messenger of Allah! Was there anyone with you just now? because 'Abdullah (Ibn 'Abbas) informed me that there was a man with you speaking in confidence to you."

The Prophet ask 'Abdullah: "Did you see him, oh 'Abdullah?"

Ibn 'Abbas: "Yes".

Then the Prophet explain: "That was Jibrail".

In another version, it was reported that the Messenger of Allah saw said to him (Al-'Abbas): "That was Jibrail and your son will not die until he loses his eyesight and he will be given knowledge." (Al-Bidayah wan- Nihayah, vol. 8.)

Child Companions around the PROPHET (peace be upon him)
by: Darussalam Research Division
