Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Khalifah Abu Jaafar Al-Mansur memanggil IBN TAWUS dan IMAM MALIK



Surah Al-Baqarah 2:286), bermaksud;

'Baginya apa yang dikerjakan dan ke atasnya apa yang dikerjakan'

Kisah realiti daripada firman suci ini ialah:

Khalifah Abbasiyah kedua iaitu Abu Jaafar al-Mansur memnaggil Ibn Tawus dan Imam Malik bin Anas menghadapnya. Apabila mereka berdua hadir, Abu Jaafar diam seketika sebelum mengemukakan pertanyaan kepada Ibn Tawus: "Ceritakan kepadaku tentang bapa kamu (Ibn Kaisan al-Tabi'i)". Lalu Ibn Tawus menjawab: "Bapaku telah memberitahuku bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda: 

Maksudnya: 'Sesungguhnya manusia yang paling dahsyat menerima azab di hari kiamat ialah mereka yang dikurniakan oleh ALLAH swt kekuasaan (tetapi malangnya) mereka mencampur-adukkan kezaliman dalam keadilan.' (kitab al-'Aqdul Farid, jilid 1, m/s 16)

Mendengar jawapan yang terpacul daripada mulutnya itu, seolah-olah dunia terhenti seketika. Sehinggakan Imam Malik berkata: "Aku menyinsing bajuku kerana takut percikan darahnya." Sejurus selepas itu, Abu Jaafar memandang kepadanya: "Nasihatilah aku wahai Ibn Tawus." Ibn Tawus menasihatinya dengan membacakan Surah al-Fajr daripada ayat 6 sehingga 14:

Maksudnya: "(Kami tetap akan membinasakan orang yang menentangmu wahai Muhammad), Tidakkah engkau perhatikan, bagaimana Tuhanmu telah melakukan terhadap kaum 'Ad (yang kufur derhaka)? iaitu penduduk 'Iram' yang mempunyai bangunan-bangunan yang tinggi tiangnya (sesuai dengan penduduknya). Yang belum pernah diciptakan sepertinya (tentang besar dan kukuhnya) di segala negeri (pada zamannya)? Dan (terhadap) kaum Thamud yang memahat batu-batu besar di lembah (Wadil Qura- tempat tinggalnya)? Dan (terhadap) Fir'aun yang mempunyai bangunan-bangunan yang handal kukuh? (semuanya itu ialah) orang yang bermaharajalela di negeri (masing-masing). Lalu mereka melakukan dengan banyaknya kerosakan dan bencana di negeri-negeri itu. Dengan yang demikian, Tuhanmu mencurahkan kepada mereka pelbagai paluan azab. Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu tetap mengawas dan membalas (terutama balasan akhirat)."

Abu Jaafar terdiam seketika.Lalu dia menyuruh Ibn Tawus menghulurkannya dakwat tetapi beliau diam dan tidak berbuat apa-apa. Suasana menjadi sunyi sepi. Seolah-olah angin berhenti daripada bertiup. Apabila ditanya kenapa beliau enggan menghulurkannya, maka beliau menjawab dengan hikmah:

"Aku takut dan bimbang jika engkau akan menulis perkara yang membawa maksiat kepada ALLAH swt, secara lansung aku teah bersubahat dengan kamu." 

Mendengar jawapan itu, Abu Jaafar membenarkan mereka pulang. Kepulangan Ibn Tawus ini daripada pertemuan ini dicoretkan dalam kitab Tazkirah al-Huffaz. Demikianlah tindakan Ibn Tawus yang penuh ketegasan untuk tidak mahu bersekongkol dan bersubahat melakukan kezaliman dan kejahatan. Ini adalah kerana "ia mendapat pahala kebaikan yang diusahakannya dan ia juga menanggung dosa kejahatan yang diusahakannya". (Surah al-Baqarah 2:286).

by: Mohd Solleh Abdul Razak


Sunday, May 22, 2011



'What a Wise Man Was He!' 

While the armies of Islam were advancing victoriously, there lived in Al-Madiinah a wonderful philosopher and wise man whose wisdom flowed in his blooming bright words. He kept saying to those around him, "Can I tell you about the best of your deeds, which are more thriving and better than invading your enemies, cutting their throats and cutting yours, and better than dirhams and dinars?

Those who listened to him craned and hurried to ask him; "And what is that, O' Abu Ad-Dardaa'?" Abu Ad-Dardaa' resumed his speech and his face glittered with the light of faith and wisdom, "The remembrance of ALLAH; the remembrance of ALLAH is the greatest thing in life."

That wonderful wise man was not preaching an isolationist philosophy by his words. He was not preaching negativism nor the retirement from the responsibilities of the new religion that considers struggle its cornerstone. Yes, Abu Ad-Dardaa' was not that kind of man, but rather he was the man who took up his sword and struggled with the Prophet of ALLAH (PBUH) since he had embraced Islam till the help and victory of ALLAH came.

However, he was that type who finds himself in his full lively existence whenever he is alone contemplating under shelter of the sanctuary of wisdom, and he dedicated his life to seeking truth and certitude. Abu Ad-Dardaa, the wise man of those great days (May ALLAH be pleased with him)was a person who looked forward to His Prophet (PBUH), and he also believed that this faith, with its duties and understanding, was the only ideal way to truth.

Thus, he was engrossed with his faith, dedicating himself to it and forming his life strictly, wisely and seriously according to it. He walked on that path till he arrived at the truth and took his high position among the truthful ones when communing with his Lord and reciting this verse: <Truly, my prayer and my devotion, my life and my death are all for GOD, the Lord of the Worlds > (6:162).

Yes, the struggle of Abu Ad-Dardaa against and with himself ended in the attainment of this high spiritual position, remote superiority, and personal sacrifice which made him dedicate all his life to ALLAH, the Cherisher of the Worlds.

On the day he embraced Islam and pledged his allegiance to the Prophet (PBUH) in this glorious religion, he was successful trader of Al-Madiinah. he spent a part of his life in trade before he embraced Islam and before the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims migrated to Al-Madiinah.

He had just embraced Islam a short time before when.......But, let him complete the speech for us:
I embraced Islam at the hands of the Prophet (PBUH) and I was a trader. I wanted to combine trade and worship, but they would never go together. I abandoned trade and retained worship. Today, it doesn't please me to sell and buy to earn 300 dinars a day, although my shop is at the door of the mosque. I can't say that ALLAH forbids selling, but I'd like to be of those whom neither traffic nor merchandise can divert from remembrance of ALLAH.

There are many good traders, and there are many good and pious persons working in trade. Among the Companions of the Prophet of ALLAH (PBUH), there were men whom neither traffic nor merchandise could divert from the remembrance of ALLAH. But they worked hard to develop their trade and their  money by which they served the cause of Islam and satisfied the needs of the Muslims. But the method of those Companions does not diminish the method of Abu Ad-Dardaa, nor does his method diminish theirs, as everyone is fit for what he is created.

And Abu Ad-Dardaa felt that he was created for what he devoted his life to: excellence in seeking after the truth by practicing the ultimate expression of celibacy according to the faith to which he was guided by ALLAH, His? Prophet and Islam.

Call it mysticism if you wish, but it was the mysticism of a man who had plenty of them keenness of a believer, the capability of a philosopher, the experience of a fighter, and the jurisprudence of the Prophet's Companions. This made his mysticism a lively movement in establishing the soul and not merely shadows of this building.

Yes, that was Abu Ad-Dardaa, the Companion of the Messenger of ALLAH (PBUH) and his pupil. That was Abu Ad-Dardaa, the saint and the wise man, a man who repelled life with both his hands, a man who secluded himself till  he burnished and sanctified his soul and it became a clear mirror so that wisdom, rightness, and good reflected in it. That what made Abu Ad-Dardaa a great teacher and  an upright wise man.

From book: Men Around Messenger
by: Khalid Muhammad Khalid


Wednesday, May 11, 2011



(Crawling into Paradise!)

One day while Al-Madiinah was calm, heavy dust was accumulating near it till it covered the horizon. The wind pushed these quantities of yellow dust coming from the soft sand of the desert so that they came near the gates of Al-Madiinah, blowing strongly over the streets.

People thought it was a raging storm, but soon they heard beyond the dust the noise of a great caravan. After a while, 700 heavily laden camels were crowding the streets. People were calling each other to see the festive scene and rejoicing at the provisions the caravan might be carrying.

The Mother of the Faithful 'Aa'ishah, (May Allah be pleased with her) heard about the coming caravan and asked, "What's going on in Al-Madiinah?" She was answered, "It's a caravan of "Abd Ar Rahman Ibn 'Awf corning from Syria carrying his goods."

The Mother of the Faithful said, "But can one caravan make all this tremor?" "Yes, Mother of the Faithful. There are 700 camels."

The Mother of the Faithful nodded and looked away as if searching for the memory of a scene she had witnessed or a conversation she had heard, then she said, "I heard the Messenger of ALLAH (PBUH) saying, I saw 'Abd Ar-Rahman Ibn 'Awf crawling into Paradise.

'Abd Ar-Rahman Ibn 'Awf crawling into Paradise! Why does he not jump or hurry into it with the first ones to embrace Islam among the Companions of the Messenger? When some of his friends informed him of what 'Aa'ishah said, he remembered that he heard the Prophet (PBUH) say this hadith more than once in various forms.

 to be continue....Insyallah.