Sunday, April 28, 2013



The Ministers around the Prophet s.a.w

1- Al-Miqdad bin 'Amr  rha  (The first Horse soldier of Islam)

 He is Al-Miqdad bin (bin means son of) 'Amr bin Tha'labah bin Malik bin Rabi'ah bin 'Amir bin    Matrud Al-Bahrani, and it is said, Al-Hadrani. His father is 'Amr bin Tha'labah. His Kunyah: Because he liked kittens, a famous Companion of the Prophet s.a.w is known not by the name he was given at birth, but by his kunyah "Abu Hurairah" Hurairah meaning a small cat. As for
 Al-Miqdad's kunyah, it has been said that it is 'Abul-Aswad; it has also been said that it is Abu 'Umar; and it has also been said it is Abu Sa'id.

2- 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud rha  (The first to openly Recite the Quran in Makkah)

He is 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud bin Ghafil bin Habib bin Shamkh bin Far bin Makhzum bin Sahilah  bin Kahil bin Al-Harith bin Sa'ad bin Hudhail al-Hadhali. His mother's full name is Umm' Abdullah bint Wadd bin Suwa'ah. Ibn Mas'ud was known by the kunyah, Abu 'Abdur-Rahman.

3- Hamzah bin 'Abdul-Muttalib rha  (The Chief of Matyrs)

He is Hamzah bin 'Abdul-Muttalib bin Hashim bin 'abd Manaf bin Qusai. His mother's full name is Halah bint (daughter of) Wuhaib bin 'Abd Manaf bin Zuhrah; she is the first cousin (from the father's side) of Aminah bint Wahb, the mother of the Prophet s.a.w. Hamzah is not only the Prophet's uncle, for they were suckled by the same woman, Thuwaibah the freed slave of Abu Lahab bin 'Abdul-Muttalib. Hamzah was two years older than the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. His Kunyah: by dint of two sons, Ya'la and 'Umarah, Hamzah's Kunyah was either Abu Ya'la or Abu 'Umarah.

4- Abu Bakr As-Siddiq rha

He is 'Abdullah bin 'Uthman bin 'Amir bin Ka'b bin Sa'd bin Taim bin Murrah al-Qurashi at-Tamimi. He was born two years and six months after the Year of the Elephant, the year in which the Prophet saw was born. Not only he a high-ranking member of the Quraish, but he was a scholar as well. Having an in-depth knowledge of the lineage of Quraish tribesmen in particular and Arabs in general, Abu Bakr was perhaps the most knowledgeable genealogist of his time. and he was like the Prophet saw in that, during the days of ignorance (before the advent of Islam), he stayed away from the revelry and merrymaking that was common among Makkah youths. Instead, he dedicated himself to more serious pursuits; in addition to being a scholar in genealogy, he was also respected tradesman, known to all for his noble manners and honest dealings.

5- Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari rha

He is Jundub bun Junadah bin Sakan bin Junadah bin Qais bin 'Amr bin Mulail bin Su'air bin Haram bin Ghifar. and his mother's full name is Ramlah bint Al-Waqimah al-Ghifariyyah. He was tall and skinny, and brown in complexion. Among the Prophet's Companions saw were some who were extremely poor, having neither home nor family; these stayed in the Prophet's Masjid, eating and sleeping there. A special place in the Masjid was allocated for them, and they became known as the People of Suffah. They consisted mainly of people who migrated to Al-Madinah. Having migrated from Ghifar and possessing very little in terms of wealth, Abu Dharr was from the People of Suffah.

6- 'Ali bin Abu Talib rha 

He is son 'Ali bin (son of) Abu Talib bin 'Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin 'Abd Manaf bin Qusay bin Kilab bin Murrah. His father, then was Abu Talib, a Makkan chieftain and a strong protector of the Messenger of Allah saw in the early days of Islam. Abu Talib is still remembered and respected for supporting the Prophet saw in many occasions, which he was only able to do because he was considered a major figure and leader among the Quraish: everyone loved him, venerated him, and held him in awe- all because of his noble qualities, just character, and stately deportment. 'Ali was born 23 years before the Hijrah and 10 years before the Prophet saw received revelation for the first time. His Kunyah; is Abul-hasan. He is in brown complexion, was most part bald, having hair only on the back of his head.

7- Hudhaifah bin al-Yaman rha

He is Hudhaifah bin Al-Yaman, his full name is Hudhaifah bin Hisl (or Husail) bin Jabir bin 'Amr bin Rabi'ah bin Jarwah bin Al-Harith bin Mazin bin Qati'ah bin 'Abs bin Baghid bin Raith bin Ghatafan. His Kunya; is Abu 'abdullah Al 'Absi.

8- 'Ammar bin Yasir rha 

He is 'Ammar binYasir bin 'Amir bin Malik bin Kinanah bin Qais bin Al-Husain bin Ar-Radhim bin Tha'labah bin 'Awf bin Harithah bin 'Amir bin Yam bin 'Abs bin Malik al-Ansi. And his mother's name is Sumayyah bint Khayyat. He was born known by the Kunyah, Abul-Yaqzan.

"Patience, O family of Yasir, for your appointment (or promise) is Paradise"
(Al-Hakim 3/382, and Al-Majma' 9/293)

9- Bilal bin Rabah rha

His name is Bilal bin Rabah, his mother, Hamamah, was born in Makkah, and she belonged to the clan of Banu Jumah. His Kunyah is not known for certain; it is said, however, that his kunyah is Abu 'Abdul-Karim, though some maintain that it is Abu 'Abdullah, while yet others hold that it is Abu 'Amr. The first slave to accept Islam, Bilal bin Rabah was among the early followers of the Prophet saw, and he also lays claim to the distinction of being person from Habashah to accept Islam.

10- 'Umar bin Al-Khattab rha

He is 'Umar bin Al-Khattab bin Nufail bin 'Abdul-'Uxzza bin Rabah bin 'abdullah bin Qurt bin Razah bin 'Adi bin Ka'b bin Lu'ai Al-Qurashi. His mother, the sister of Abu Jahl, is Hantamah bint Hashim bin Al-Mughirah Al-Makhzumiyyah. 'Umar was born 13 years after the Year of Elephant. His kunyah is Abu 'Abdullah, and the Prophet saw gave him the Kunyah Abu Hafs.

11- Ja'far bin Abu Talib rha

He is Ja'far bin abu Talib bin 'Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Manaf bin Qusay Al-Qurashi Al Hashimi; he is the cousin of the Messenger of Allah saw. His Kunyah is Abu 'Abdullah though the Messenger of Allah saw used to call him 'Abul-Masakin, literally meaning 'father of the poor, for his generosity and kind charitable acts.


Book : The Ministers around the Prophet (peace be upon Him)
Compiled by: Abdul Aziz Ash-Shanawi
Maktaba DARUSSALAM- Global Leader in Islamic Books
ISBN: 9960-899-86-1