Friday, July 26, 2013

Al-Imam al-Ghazali's efforts in defeating the Batini Shiites

All praise and thanks belong to ALLAH alone, the One, the Almighty, and All-Merciful and peace be upon Prophet Muhammad, the last Messengers and Prophets.

Al-Imam al-Ghazali's efforts in efforts in defeating the Batini Shiites

One of the beneficial effects of the Nizami schools was that they paved the way for the Sunni madh-hab to prevail. This was no easy task; rather it was the outcome of tremendous efforts, great sacrifies and remarkable cooperation. Another of its most prominent effects was the shrinking of Shiites influences, especially after the appearance of books refuting it which were produced by these schools.

Imam al-Ghazali, the Sunni scholar, was foremost among the thinkers who launched an all-out war against the heretical Shiites through his writing. It was said that he wrote numerous books concerning that, the most famous of which was Fada'ih al-Batiniyah, which he was commissioned to write in 487 AH by the caliph al-Mustazhir. But the most amazing thing is the courage shown by al-Ghazali in his campaign against the Batini Ismailis, at a time when their preachers were widespread in Persia and the danger they posed reached such a point that they established fortresses and citadels and threatened people's safety. They carried out carried out assassinations on a wide scale, targeting many politicians and thinkers, foremost among whom was Nizam al-Mulk himself.

Al-Ghazali began this campaign on the orders of the authorities, in addition to his own desire as a Sunni scholar to do his duty in defending true Islam. This is something wonderful, when the efforts of the political authorities coincide with the efforts of the scholars to achieve the aims of Islam. Through institutions that benefit both society and the state, such as the role played by the Nizami schools in resisting Batini Shiite thought and influence, this is achieved.

The Fatimid state had equipped itself with Batini philosophy and beliefs and emerged as a political and religious entity. It was, as Professor Nadawi states, more dangerous in Islam than philosophy, because philosophy was living in its ivory tower far away from the ordinary people and the masses. But Batiniyah was trying to spread in society and infuse it with a poison, and it offered powerful, material temptations.

In the Muslim word at the end of the fifth century AH there was no one who was more able to refute it, expose its secrets and reject what this call was based on than al-Ghazali. The writings of al-Ghazali were effective in refuting batiniyah. With his sharp mind and the fame that he had acquired, he was able to be a strong influence in resisting batiniyah and supporting the Sunni madh-hab. He was able to use his Sharia knowledge and his rational knowledge of philosophy, logic and theology to blow away the roots of the Batini madh-hab.

His comments about them were on everyone's lips and became like proverbs: Outwardly hide behind Shiism but they have nothing to do with the Shiites; rather it is a mask behind which they hide their plots against the people of Islam. Among the things that were said about al-Ghazali was that he was continually criticizing this group, uncovering the contradictions in its thought and exposing its scandalous deeds and bad intentions. Despite the fact that he was well known at this time, this criticism could have cost him his life. He himself witnessed the assassination of the great statesman Nizam al-Mulk.

The Batini Shiites used to threaten everyone among those who were close to the king or among the scholars who they thought posed a danger to them. They threatened them with vengeance at the point of a dagger or in poisoned food or some other method which they were skilled in and carried out with all precision. If this proves anything, it proves the courage of al-Ghazali in speaking the truth out loud and confronting falsehood, regardless of the outcome and his faith that nothing would befall him except that which Allah had decreed for him.

This is a lesson and reminder for contemporary scholars to be sincere towards ALLAH in resisting the new Batinis. Some scholars have even contributed to deceiving the Muslim masses even though they are well aware of the danger that these people pose to the beliefs and morals of the Ummah. Do they not fear a Day when hearts and eyes will be overturned.

(Quran 24:37) and Allah will ask the truthfull (Allah's Messengers and His Prophets) about their truth (i.e. the convenyance of Allah's Message that which they were charged with) .


from our library : Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi, VOLUME ONE, Crusades prior t the Rise of the
                             Ayubid State.
                             By Dr. Ali M. Salibi,  translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab
                             INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC PUBLISHING HOUSE, Riyadh, Saudi.
                             English Edition : 2010
                             Translated from the Arabic Edition : 2008
                             (available at Dakwah Corner Bookstore Petaling Jaya, Malaysia)