Monday, May 21, 2012

'ABD ALLAH IBN MAS'UUD The first Reciter of Qur'aan


Before the Prophet (PBUH) entered Daar Al-Arqam, Ibn Mas'uud had declared his belief in him. He was the sixth one to embrace Islam and follow the Prophet (PBUH). thus he was one of the early Muslims.

He narrated his first meeting with the Prophet (PBUH): I ws a young shepherd boy responsible for the sheep of 'Uqbah Ibn Abu Mu'ait. The Prophet (PBUH) once came with Abu Bakr and said, "O' boy, do you have milk for us to drink?" and I said, "I can't let you drink their milk."

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Do you have a virgin sheep that has never mated with a male?" I said, "Yes" and brought it to them. The Prophet (PBUH) caught it and stroked its udder and prayed to ALLAH till the udder filled. Abu Bakr brought him a concave rock into which he milked the sheep. Abu Bakr drank the milk, and then after that the Prophet said to the udder, "Shrink". and it did. I went to the Prophet after this incident and said to him, "Teach me this kind of talk." The Prophet (PBUH) said, "You are already a learned boy."

Before his Islam he never dared to pass by a session attended by any Quraish nobleman except with hastened steps and a  bowed head, but after Islam he was capable of going to the Ka'bah, where the elite Quraish congregated and standing among them reading the Qur'aan in a loud, beautiful, impressive voice:

{ In the Name of ALLAH, the Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent! Has taught the Qur'aan. He created man. He taught him eloquent speech. The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each. and the herbs (or stars) and the trees both prostrate } (55: 1-6).

He went on reciting while the Quraish  were thunderstruck , not believing their own eyes or ears. They could not imagine that the one challengging their pride was just one of their hired shehperd boys who was the poor unknown 'Abd Allah Ibn Mas'uud.

Az-Zubair (May Allah be pleased with him), describe the exciting scene: 'Abd Allah Ibn Mas'uud was the first one to recite Qur'aan publicly in Makkah after the Prophet (PBUH). It happened one day that the Prophet's Companions were gathered with the Prophet (PBUH). They said, "By Allah, the quraish have never heard the Qur'aan being recited to them before. Isn't  there any man to recite it so that they may hear it?"

Tereupon 'Abd Allah Ibn Mas'uud said, "I". They said, "we are afraid may harm you." We want a  man with a strong family to protect him from those people if they want to harm him." He said, "Let me go, Allah will protect me". Ibn Mas'uud went to the Maqam at the Ka'bah and recited :

< In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful! Has taught the Qur'aan.......> and when went on reciting. The Quraish gazed at him and said, "What does Ibn Umm 'Abd say? He is reciting some of what Muhammad came with." They went to him and began to beat him in the face while he was reciting till he finished whatever Allah wished him to recite from the Surah. he returned to his friends with a wounded face and body, and they told him, "This is what we were afraid would happen to you,"

He answered them, "Those enemies of Allah have never been more worthless to me than this moment, and if you wish I will go back to them and do the same tomorrow." They said, "No, it is enough for you. You have made them hear what they hated.

It was a pleasure for the Prophet (PBUH) to hear Qur'aan being recited from the mouth of Ibn Mas'uud. The Prophet (PBUH) once called on him and said, "Recite to me, 'Abd Allah," and 'Abd Allah said, "How can I recite to you when it was revealed to you?" The Prophet (PBUH) said, "I like to hear it from others."

Thereupon Ibn Mas'uud started reading part of Surah An-Nisaa' till he reached the verse: 
< How (will it be) then, when We bring from each nation a witness and We bring you as a witness against those people. On that day those who disbelieved and disobeyed the Messeger will wish that they were buried in the earth, but they will never be able to hide a single fact from Allah > (4: 41-42).

Upon hearing this, the Prophet's eyes flooded with tears and he waved to Ibn Mas'uud saying, "Enough, enough, Ibn Mas'uud."

from the favorite book ....

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