Thursday, January 27, 2011

Great adventures in seeking the TRUTH: Salmaan Al-Farisiy



I come from Isfahan a place called Jai, and I was the most beloved son of my father, who was a figure of high esteem among his people. we used to worship fire. I devoted myself to fire worship until I became custodian of the fire, which we lit and never allowed to be extinguished.

My father had an estate. One day, he sent me there. I passed by a Christian church and heard them praying. I went in and saw what they were doing. I was impressed by what I saw in their prayers. I said, "This is better than our religion." I did not leave them until sunset, nor did I go to my father's estate, nor did them until sunset, nor did I go to my father's estate, nor did I return to my father until he sent people to search for me.

I asked the Christians about their affair and prayers, which impressed me, and about the origin of their religion. They answered, "In Syria". "I said to my father when I returned to him, "I passed by people praying in a church of theirs, and I was impressed by their prayer, and I could see that their religion is better than ours." he questioned me and I questioned him, and then he put fetters on my feet and locked me up.

Then I sent to the Christians saying I had entered their religion, and I requested that whenever a caravan came from Syria, they should tell me before its return in order for me to travel with them, and so they did.

I broke loose from the iron fetters and went away. I set out with them for Syria. while I was there, I asked about their learned man, and I was told that he was the bishop, leader of the church. I went to him and told him my story. I lived with him, serving, praying, and learning.

But this Bishop was not faithful in his religion, because he used to gather money from the people to distribute it, but he would keep it for himself. Then he died. They appointed a new leader in his place. I have never seen a man more godly, than he in his religion, nor more active in his bid for the Hereafter, nor more pious in the world, nor more punctual at worship. I loved him more than I had ever loved any other person before.

When his fate came, I asked him, "To whom would you recommend me? And to whom would you leave me? He said, "O my son, I do not know anyone who is on the path I am and who leads the kind of life I lead, except a certain man in Mosul."

when he died, I went to that man in Mosul, and told him the story, and I stayed with him as long as ALLAH wished me to stay. Then death approached him. So I asked him, "To whom would you advise me to go to?" He reacted me to a pious man in Nisiibiin." So I went to him and told him my story. I stayed with him as long as ALLAH wished me to stay. When death oevertook him, I asked him a be as before. He told me to meet a person at 'Amuriah in Byzantium went and stayed with that man, earning my living there by rearing cattle and sheep.

Then death approached  him, 'To whom should  I go?" He said, "O my son, I know no one  anywhere who is on the path we have been so that I can tell you to go to him. But you have been overtaken by an epoch in which there will appear a prophet in the pure creed of Ibrahiim (Abraham). he will migrate to the place of palm trees. if you can be sincere to him, then do so. He has signs, which will be manifested: he does not eat of charity, yet he accepts gifts, and between his shoulders is the seal of Prophethood. When you see him, you will know him.

to be continue.....PART II

Men Around The Messenger: Khalid Muhammad Khalid


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Jinn of Nasibain


The Jinn of Nasibain (From the Jinn of the Island)

Say (O Muhammad s.a.w): "It has been revealed to me that a group (from three to ten in number) of Jinn listened (to this Qur'an). They said: 'Verily, we have heard a wonderful Recitation (this Qur'an)! 'It guides to the Right Path, and we have believed therein, and we shall never join (in worship) anything with our Lord (ALLAH).
                                                                                                                                              (Qur'an 72:1)
And (remember) when We sent towards you (Muhammad s.a.w) a group (three to ten persons) of the jinn, (quietly) listening to Qur'an. When they stood in the presence thereof, they said: "Listen in silence!" and when it was finished, they returned to their people, as warners. They said: "O our people! Verily, we have heard a Book (this Qur'an) sent down after Musa (Moses), confirming what came before it, it guides to the truth and to a Straight Path (i.e. Islam). O our people! Respond (with obedience) to Allah's Caller (i.e. Allah's Messenger Muhammad s.a.w), and believe in him (i.e. believe in that which Muhammad s.a.w has brought from Allah and follow him). He (Allah) will forgive you of your sins, and will save you from a painful torment (i.e. Hell-fire). And whosoever does not respond to Allah's Caller, he cannot escape on earth, there will be no Auliya' (lords, helpers, supporters, protectors) for him beside Allah (from Allah's punishment). Those are in manifest error".
                                                                                                  (Qur'an 46:29-32)

The mention of these jinns involves a severe reprimand to the Quraish  in particular, and to the Arabs in general. While the Arabs were slow to accept Islam and have faith, the jinns mentioned above raced to accept Iman, which made them better  than the disbelieving Arabs. From the moment they heard the Qur'an, those jinns revered it and believed in it.  And they returned to their fellow jinns as warners and callers to Islam. In stark contrast to the jinns were the disbelieving Arabs, who disbelieved even though they knew that the speech of the Qur'an was a miracle even though they knew that Muhammad s.a.w.was illiterate: he could neither read nor write which Ibn Mas'ud rha was there on the night  in which the Messenger of Allah s.a.w met the jinns. The Jinns that met with the Prophet s.a.w were actually from the Arabian Peninsula, and in Ad-Durr Al-Manthur it si mentioned that some say they were seven in number and were from the dwellers of Nasibain.

-At-Tafsir Al-Munir: 29/164
-Ad-Durr Al-Manthur: 6/270
-Safwatut-Tafasir: 3/457
-At-Tabari: 2/347

Atlas of the Qur'an: PLACES. NATIONS. LANDMARKS. 
An Authentic Collection of the Qur'an Information 
with Maps, Tables & Pictures
Compiled by: Dr. Shauqi Abu Khalil



Tuesday, January 18, 2011

BADR: Reason of the Battle


 Reason of the Battle

It about Al-'Ushairah Invasion when a caravan belonging to the Quraish escaped an imminent military encounter with the Prophet SAW and his men. When their turn return from Syria approached the Prophet SAW dispatched Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah and Sa'id bin Zaid ra northward to scout around for any movements of this  sort. The two scouts stayed at Al-Hawra' for some days until Abu Sufyan, the leader of the caravan, passed by them. The two men hurried back to MAdinah and reported their findings to the Prophet SAW. Great wealth amounting to 50 thousand gold dinars guarded by 40 men moving relatively  close to Madinah constituted a tempting target for Muslim military, and provided a potentially heavy economic, political and military strike that was bound to shake the entire structure of the Makkan polytheists.

The Prophet SAW immediately encouraged the Muslims to rush out and intercept the caravan to make up for their property and wealth they were forced to give up in Makkah. He did not give orders binding to everyone, but rather gave them full liberty to go out or stay back, thinking that it would be just a task on a small scale.

The Size and Strength of the Muslim Army

 The Muslim army was made up of 300-317 men, 82-86 Emigrants, and 61 men from the Aws and 170 from the Khazraj tribes. They were not well-equipped nor adequately prepared. They had only two horses belonging to Az-Zubair bin Al-'Awwam and Al-Miqdaad bin Al-Aswad Al-Kindi ra, 70 camels, one for two or three men to ride alternatively. Allah's Messenger (PBUH) himself, 'Ali and Marthad bin Abi Marthad Al- Ghanawi ra had only one camel.

Administration of the affairs of Madinah was entrusted to Ibn Umm Maktum ra but later to Abu Lubabah bin 'Abdul Mundhir ra. The head flag was given to Mus'ab bin Umair Al-Qurashi Al-'Abdari ra and their standard was white in color. The little army was divided into two battalions. The Emigrants with a standard was in the hand of Sa'd bin Mu'adh ra. Az-Zubair bin Al-Miqdaad bin 'Amr ra to lead the left flank, and the rear of the army was at the command of Qais bin Abi Sa'sa'ah ra. The General Commander-in- Chief was the Prophet (PBUH) of course.

THE SEALED NECTAR, Biography of the Noble Prophet, Revised Edition:  
Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum: Safi-ur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri
Islamic University Al-Madinah Al-Munawarrah.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Syukur Kepada ALLAH


"Ya Rasulullah SAW, apa yang membuatmu menangis, sedang ALLAH telah mengampuni akan dosamu yang terdahulu dan yang kemudian? Rasulullah SAW menjawab, "Tidakkah aku hamba yang bersyukur? Bagaimana aku tidak berbuat demikian sedang ALLAH telah menurunkan ayat padaku."

   'Sesungguhnya tentang kejadian langit dan bumi.....(Q.S. AL-Baqarah:164)

Ayat ini menunjukkan menangis itu seharusnya tidak berhenti sebagaimana juga dirawikan seorang nabi melihat batu kecil mengeluarkan air. Ia kehairanan.. Lalu Allah membuat batu itu berkata, "Sejak aku dengar firman ALLAH...yang menyalahkannya adalah manusia dan batu-batu..." Maka aku menangis kerana takut kepadanya."

Lalu batu itu memohon pada ALLAH agar dijauhkan dari Neraka dam permohonannya dimakbulkan. Tidak lama kemudian nabi itu melihatnya masih mengeluarkan air, maka dia bertanya, "Mengapa kini kau masih menangis?" Batu itu berkata, "Dulu aku menangis kerana takut  tetapi kini aku menangis kerana bersyukur dan gembira".

Memang hati manusia sekeras batu atau lebih keras lagi daripadanya. Yang dapat melembutkannya adalah hanya dengan menagis kerana takut dan syukur kepada ALLAH.
