Tuesday, January 18, 2011

BADR: Reason of the Battle


 Reason of the Battle

It about Al-'Ushairah Invasion when a caravan belonging to the Quraish escaped an imminent military encounter with the Prophet SAW and his men. When their turn return from Syria approached the Prophet SAW dispatched Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah and Sa'id bin Zaid ra northward to scout around for any movements of this  sort. The two scouts stayed at Al-Hawra' for some days until Abu Sufyan, the leader of the caravan, passed by them. The two men hurried back to MAdinah and reported their findings to the Prophet SAW. Great wealth amounting to 50 thousand gold dinars guarded by 40 men moving relatively  close to Madinah constituted a tempting target for Muslim military, and provided a potentially heavy economic, political and military strike that was bound to shake the entire structure of the Makkan polytheists.

The Prophet SAW immediately encouraged the Muslims to rush out and intercept the caravan to make up for their property and wealth they were forced to give up in Makkah. He did not give orders binding to everyone, but rather gave them full liberty to go out or stay back, thinking that it would be just a task on a small scale.

The Size and Strength of the Muslim Army

 The Muslim army was made up of 300-317 men, 82-86 Emigrants, and 61 men from the Aws and 170 from the Khazraj tribes. They were not well-equipped nor adequately prepared. They had only two horses belonging to Az-Zubair bin Al-'Awwam and Al-Miqdaad bin Al-Aswad Al-Kindi ra, 70 camels, one for two or three men to ride alternatively. Allah's Messenger (PBUH) himself, 'Ali and Marthad bin Abi Marthad Al- Ghanawi ra had only one camel.

Administration of the affairs of Madinah was entrusted to Ibn Umm Maktum ra but later to Abu Lubabah bin 'Abdul Mundhir ra. The head flag was given to Mus'ab bin Umair Al-Qurashi Al-'Abdari ra and their standard was white in color. The little army was divided into two battalions. The Emigrants with a standard was in the hand of Sa'd bin Mu'adh ra. Az-Zubair bin Al-Miqdaad bin 'Amr ra to lead the left flank, and the rear of the army was at the command of Qais bin Abi Sa'sa'ah ra. The General Commander-in- Chief was the Prophet (PBUH) of course.

THE SEALED NECTAR, Biography of the Noble Prophet, Revised Edition:  
Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum: Safi-ur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri
Islamic University Al-Madinah Al-Munawarrah.


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