Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who is a greater slave than me?..


Verso, Juz' 'Amma, photo taken by Huda Din

Who is a greater slave than me?.. 
Sayyidina Umar radhiAllaahu-anhu.

One day some affluent  men fromamong the Arabs came to meet him. At that time Sayyidina Umar rha was dashing around holding up his garment. He called a person named. "Ahnaf! come and aid me. One camel of the Baitul Maal has escaped and you know how many poor people have rights over one camel".

One of the wealthy ones said: "O Commander of the Believers! Instruct one of the slaves! He will trace it. Why are you perplexed?". Sayyidina Umar rha commented: "Who is a greater slave than me?"........

A stranger could not identify Sayyidina Umar rha.

Nobody could distinguish Sayyidina Umar rha in the home or outside in the bazaar and in the street as the guide and Khaleefa of the Muslims.

Delegates of governments would arrive to present their request before him but, until some one indicated who was the Khaleefa of the Muslims, the hapless fellows would keep moving around looking for him.

How could he perceive that the man in patched clothes sitting in one corner was Umar ibn al-Khattab rha on account of whom the governments of Syria and Persia were vibrating?...

He did not use honey without consent.....

He once fell ill. Honey was recommended as a remedy. There was no honey in the house. There was honey in the Baitul Maal, but then how could he use it without the permission of the Muslims. he proceeded to the Masjid an-Nabawi and informed the people: "If you allow me I will use the honey." The people happily granted consent. he then used the honey.

Qur'an Malay World, photo taken by Huda Din

On listening to a baby crying

Once a caravan arrived in Madiinah and camped outside the city. when Sayyidina Umar rha approached to check and inquire about the condition of the caravan's occupants, he heard the crying of a baby from inside. He approached to see a baby crying on its mother's lap.

He implored the mother to cheer up the baby. When he passed there for a second time the baby was still crying an in a pitiful state. He scolded the mother angrily: "What kind of mother are you who causes the baby to cry?".

The mother replied: "Do you know why the baby is crying? In truth the Khaleefa has decreed the baby will not receive any allowance from the Baitul Maal so long as it does not leave drinking milk, I am trying to make him leave milk but he does not want to, so what else can he do but cry?....

On hearing this Sayyidina Umar rha exclaimed: "O Umar! O don't know how many babies will have died as a result of this decree." O that same day a law was made that a child would be given an allowance from birth from the Baitul Maal.

by: M.Makbool A.Suhaarui, 
Translated by: Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elise


Friday, February 18, 2011



The Story of Adam a.s: Hawwa derived from the rib

Almighty Alla granted Adam the power to know to know the natures of all things to summarize them by names: that is a bird, that is a star, that is a tree, that is a cloud, etc. Allah implanted in Adam an insatiable need for and love of knowledge and a desire to bequeath knowledge to his children. This was the reason for his creation and the secret in his glorification.

After Adam had learned the names of all things, along with their properties and uses, Allah presented them to the angels and said: "Tell Me the names of these if you are truthful". (surah 2:31) The angels admitted their inability: "Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have thought us. Verily, it is You, The All-Knower, The All-Wise" (surah 2:32)

Allah  Almighty then turned to Adam: "O Adam! inform them of their names," and when he  had informed them of their names, He said: "Did I not tell you that I know the Ghaib (unseen) in the heavens and the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you have been concealing?". (surah 2:33)
Allah wanted the angels to know that He knew of their astonishment when He had told them about the creation of Adam and that He also knew of their confusion which they had not revealed, as well as what Iblis had concealed of his disobedience and ingratitude.

The angels realized that Adam was the creature who knew what they did not know and that his capacity to learn was his noblest quality. His knowledge included knowledge of the Creator which we call Faith or Islam, as well as the knowledge he would need to inhabit master the earth. all kinds of worldly knowledge are included in this.

Adam knew the names of everything. Sometimes he talked to the angels, but they were preoccupied with worshiping Almighty Allah. Therefore, Adam felt lonely. One day he slept and when he awoke he found, near his head, a woman gazing at his face with beautiful, tender eyes. Perhaps they had the following conversation:

   Adam:   You were not here before I slept
   She:      Yes.
   Adam:   From what....?
   She:      I came out of you. Allah created me while you were sleep. Do you not desire to                          restore me to you while you are awake?
   Adam:   Why has Allah created you?
   She:      To be your solace.
   Adam:   Thanks to Allah I was feeling lonely

The angels asked him her name. He replied: "Eve (Hawwa)." (The root of the name "Hawwa" means "Living things"). They asked: "Why did you call he Hawwa?" Adam said: "Because she was created of me, and I am living being."

Muhammad Ibn Ishaaq and Ibn 'Abbas ra related that Hawwa was created from the shortest left rib of Adam while he was sleeping, and after a while she was clothed with flesh. That is why Allah the Exalted said: 

<<O Mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam) and from     him (Adam) He created his wife (Hawwa), and from them both He created many men and         women.>>

Allah also said:
<<It is He Who has created you from a single person (Adam), and (then) He created from him his wife (Hawwa), in order that he might enjoy the pleasure of living with her.>>

Abu Hurairah ra narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "O Muslims! I advice you to be gentle with women, for they are created from a rib, and the most crooked portion of the rib is its upper part. If you try to straighten it, it will break, and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so I urge you to take care of the women". (Sahih Bukhari).

Stories of the PROPHETS: IBN KATHIR, 
                                                           Translated by Sheikh Muhammad Gemeiah
                                                        (Offiece of The Grand Imam, Sheikh, Al-Azhar)
                                                                            Edit by: Aelfwine Acelas Mischler


Saturday, February 12, 2011



Permintaan Nabi Idris a.s. 

Kedatangan malaikat Izrail begitu dimuliakan dan disenangi. Timbul pula di hati Nabi Idris untuk meminta beberapa permintaan kepada malaikat Izrail agar dia memohonkan untuk dirinya kepada Allah.

"Wahai Izrail! Saya ingin merasai nikmat syurga. Bolehkah saya memasuki Syurga sekarang?" Tanya Nabi Idris a.s.

"Tidak boleh wahai Nabi Allah! Sebelum seseorang itu memasuki syurga, dia mestilah melalui beberapa peringkat dan ujian dengan dimulai satu kematian." Jawab malaikat Izrail.

"Wahai Izrail bolehkah aku merasai mati? Tetapi selepas itu hendaklah saya dihidupkan kembali." Pinta Nabi Idris a.s. lagi.

"Tidak boleh wahai Nabi Allah! Kematian itu hanya boleh dirasai oleh orang yang ditentukan Allah. Saya tidak boleh mencabut nyawa tanpa keizinan Allah." Jawab malaikat Izrail.

Pada ketika itu juga datang perintah Allah agar diperkenankan hajat Nabi Idris. Nabi Idris a.s. telah dimatikan dan dihidupkan kembali selepas itu. Barulah Nabi Idris menyedari betapa peritnya kematian itu.

"Wahai Nabi Allah, saya telah mencabut nyawamu begitu lembut sekali dan belum pernah saya melakukan pada sesiapa jua." Kata malaikat Izrail.

"Jika begini lembut dan halus kamu mencabut nyawa masih terasa perit dan sakit, apatah lagi dengan cara yang kasar dan ganas." jelas Nabi Idris.

"Wahai Izrail, Saya ada satu lagi permintaan." Kata Nabi Idris a.s.
"Apakah dia wahai Nabi Allah?" Jika boleh saya bantu akan saya cuba sedaya upaya." Jawab malaikat Izrail.

"Saya ingin melihat neraka. Bagaimana rasanya keadaan neraka itu?" Nabi Idris  menyatakan hajatnya.

"Tidak boleh wahai Nabi Allah,  orang yang pergi ke neraka mesti malalui satu kematian dan kemudian dia akan dihidupkan kembali sesudah itu untuk dikira amalannya. Jika banyak amalan kebaikan, dia akan dimasukkan ke syurga. Jika sebaliknya, maka ke nerakalah dia." Jawab malaikat Izrail kerana terperanjat dengan permintaan Nabi Idris.

"Bukankah saya telah mengalami kematian dan telah pun dihidupkan kembali? Apakah saya tidak boleh ke sana atas permintaan saya?." tanya Nabi Idris.

Malaikat Izrail semakin kebingungan. Namun begitu Allah Maha Berkuasa. Dia telah mengizinkan permintaan hamba-Nya yang disayangi.

Nabi Idris pun dibawa untuk melihat neraka. Baginda tidak memasukinya tetapi sekadar melihat di pinggir neraka. Perasaannya menjadi gementar dan ketakutan melihat azab Allah di neraka. Ketakutannya semakin menjadi lalu baginda meminta satu lagi permintaan.

"Wahai Izrail, saya ingin memasuki Syurga pula!". Rayu Nabi Idris a.s.

"Tidak boleh wahai Nabi Allah, bukan semua orang dapat memasuki syurga. Sebelum seseorang itu memasuki syurga, dia mesti memasuki neraka jika terdapat kesalahan". Jawab Malaikat Izrail.

"Bukankah saya sudah melalui semua itu? Saya telah melihat neraka dan mengetahui bagaimana seksanya neraka itu?." Terang Nabi Idris a.s.

Kebingungan malaikat Izrail semakin menjadi. bagaimana harus dia melaksanakan permintaan Nabi Idris sedangkan Nabi Idris sebenarnya belum mati. Kerisauannya semakin menebal takut dimurkai Allah.

Allah telah memerintahkan Izrail menunaikan permintaan Nabi Idris a.s. dan Nabi Idris telah dimasukkan ke dalam syurga dengan izin Allah.

Setelah dimasukkan ke dalam syurga, baginda merasa seronok dan bahagia. Baginda mengambil keputusan tidak mahu keluar lagi. Puas ditunggu oleh malaikat Izrail di luar syurga tetapi Nabi Idris tidak muncul-muncul.

"Wahai Nabi Allah, keluarlah kamu sekarang. Sudah lama kamu berada di dalam". Rayu malaikat Izrail.

"Saya tidak mahu keluar kerana sungguh aman dan bahagia berada di dalamnya". Sahut Nabi Idris a.s. dari dalam syurga.

"Wahai Nabi Allah, kamu tidak boleh masuk syurga kerana kamu belum melalui semua peringkat yang sepatutnya". Kata malaikat Izrail lagi. 

"Mengapa tidak boleh?" Saya sudah merasai mati, kemudian saya telah dihidupkan kembali. Saya telah melihat seksa neraka. Akhirnya sampailah saya ke syurga setelah melalui semua peringkat. Saya tidak mahu keluar lagi." Jawab Nabi Idris a.s.

Malaikat Izrail menjadi serba salah kerana apa yang diperkatakan oleh Nabi Idris semuanya benar. tiada baginya alasan untuk membawa keluar Nabi Idris dari syurga.

Malikat Izrail telah mengadukan hal ini kepada Allah s.w.t. dan Allah telah memerintahkan Nabi Idris keluar.

"Kamu tidak dibenarkan memasuki syurga kecuali didahului seorang hamba yang amat Kusayangi." Kata Allah kepada Nabi Idris.

"Siapa itu wahai Allah?"

"Dia adalah Muhammad." Firman Allah lagi.

Keluarlah Nabi Idris dari syurga setelah diperintahkan oleh Allah s.w.t. Namun begitu, Allah itu Maha Penyayang pada semua hamba-Nya yang berbuat baik. Dia telah mengurniakan syurga yang lain dari syurga sebenar kepada Nabi Idris sebagai ganti kerana Nabi Idris tidak mahu lagi kembali ke dunia.

SEJARAH 25 RASUL: Al-Ustaz Mohammad Daud Mohammed Salleh
                                        ( Universiti Al-Azhar, Mesir)


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Great adventures in seeking the TRUTH: PART 2




A caravan passed by me on that day. I asked them where they had come from and learned that they were from the Arabian Peninsula. So I told them, "I give you these cattle and sheep of mine in return for your taking me to your land."  They agreed. So they took me in their company until they  wronged me. They sold me to a Jew. I saw many palm trees and cherished the hope that it was the land that had been described to me and which would be the future place of the advent of the Prophet, but it was not.

I stayed with Jew who bought me until another from Bani Quraidhah came to him one day and bought me from him. I stayed with him until we came to Al-Madiinah. By Allah, I had hardly seen it when I knew that it was the land described to me.
I stayed with Jew, working for him on his plantation in Bani Quraidhah until Allah sent His Prophet, who later emigrated to Al-Madiinah and dismounted at Qubaa' among the Bani 'Amr Ibn 'Awf. Indeed, oneday, I was at the top of palm tree with my master sitting below it when a Jewish man came. He was a cousin of his and said to him, "May Allah destroy Bani Qubaa'"

They are spreading a rumor about a man at Qubaa' who came from Makkah claiming that he is a Prophet. By Allah, he had hardly said it, when I was seized by a tremor, and the palm tree shook until I almost fell on my master. I climbed down quickly saying, "What are you saying? What news?" My master gave me nasty slap and said; "What have you got to do with this? Return to your work!".

So, I returned to work. At nightfall I gathered what I had and went out until I came to the Prophet (PBUH) at Qubaa'. I entered and found him sitting with some of his Companions. Then I said, "You are in need and a stranger. I have some food, which I intend to give out as charity. When they showed me your lodgings, I thought you most deserve it, so I have come to you with it." I put the food down. The Prophet (PBUH) said to his Companions, "Eat in the name of Allah." He abstained and never took of it. I said to myself, "This, by Allah, is one sign. He does not eat of charity!."

I returned to meet the Prophet (PBUH) again the next day, carrying some food, and said to him (PBUH), "I can see that you do not partake of charity. I have something which I want to give to you as a present." I placed it before him. He said to his Companions, "Eat in the name of Allah" and he ate with them. 

So I said to myself, "This indeed is the second sign. He eats of presents." I returned and stayed away for a while. Then I came to him, and I saw him sitting, having returned from a burial, and surrounded by his Companions. He had two garments, carrying one on his shoulder and wearing the other. I greeted him, then bent to see the upper part off his back. He knew what I was looking for, so he threw aside his garment off his shoulder and, behold, the sign between his shoulders, the seal of Prophet hood, was clear just as the Christian monk had described."

At once, I staggered towards him, kissing him and weeping. he called me to come forward and sat before him. I told him my story as you have already heard me describe the events.

When I became a MUslim, slavery prevented me from taking part in the battles of Badr and Uhud. Therefore the Prophet (PBUH) advised me, "Go into terms with your assist me, and Allah freed me from bondage. I became a free Muslim, taking part with the Prophet (PBUH) in the Battle of Al-Khandaq and others.

What kind of noble person was this man? What great superiority was achieved by his aspiring spirit, that restless spirit that withstood difficulties and defeated them, confronted the impossible and give it gave way! What devotion to the truth, and what sincerity that led its owner voluntarily away from the estate of his father, with all its wealth and luxury, to the wilderness, with all its difficulties and suffering. He moved from land to land, town to town, seeking acquaintances, persevering, worshiping and searching for his destiny among people, sects and different ways of life.

And adhering all the way to the truth with all its noble sacrifices, for the sake of guidance until he was sold into slavery. He was then rewarded by Allah, the best of rewards, making him reach the truth and come into the presence of His Prophet. And then He granted him longevity, enough for him to see the banner of Islam fluttering in all parts of the world and His Muslim worshipers filling its space and corners with guidance, progress and justice!.

Open wide your eyes. Do you see that humble man sitting there in the shade making baskets and utensils out of palm fronds?.....

That is Salmaan. Take a good look at him. Look at his short garment, which is short that only down to his knees.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Telaga Zamzam


Sejarah Telaga Zamzam

Sejarah telaga zamzam secara umumnya ialah sejarah penghijrahan Siti Hajar bersama anaknya Ismail a.s. ke Makkah. Ia juga merupakan salah satu episod  dalam sejarah pendudukan Makkah.

Untuk menceritakan mengenai sejarah ini, penulis memilih riwayat yang dinyatakan oleh Imam Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari r.h.m, kerana sifatnya yang sahih dan ringkas. (Sahih al-Bukhari No.3364).

Berkata Imam al-Bukhari: "Ibn Abbas a.s. meriwayatkan (daripada Rasulullah s.a.w.) bahawa wanita yang pertama memakai bengkung ialah Hajar iaitu ibu Nabi Ismail a.s. Beliau menggunakannya (dengan melabuhkan hujung kakinya) untuk menghapuskan jejaknya daripada diikuti oleh Sarah yang cemburu terhadapnya. Ibrahim a.s. telah membawa Hajar dan Ismail a.s. yang ketika itu masih menyusu, ke satu tempat berdekatan dengan Kaabah. Baginda meletakkan mereka di bawah pokok yang merupakan tempat telaga zamzam pada hari ini, ia merupakan tempat yang paling tinggi di dalam kawasan masjid.

Makkah pada ketika itu tiada penghuni dan sumber air. Ibrahim menurunkan mereka di situ dan meletakkan di sisi mereka sebuah bekas daripada kulit yang mengandungi beberapa biji tamar dan sebuah bekas air. Kemudian baginda beredar. 

Hajar lalu mengikutinya sambil berkata: "Wahai Ibrahim! Ke mana kamu hendak pergi? Adakah kamu akan meninggalkan kami di lembah yang tidak berpenghuni dan tiada apa-apa (untuk dimakan)?" Beliau mengulanginya beberapa kali, tetapi Ibrahim tidak berpaling kepadanya.

Akhirnya Hajar berkata: "Adakah ini merupakan perintah Allah terhadap kamu?" Ibrahim menjawab: "Ya. Hajar lalu berkata: "Jika begitu, Allah pasti tidak akan membiarkan kami".

Beliau kembali semula ke tempat Ismail dan Ibrahim meneruskan perjalanannya. Apabila baginda sampai di Thaniyyah di mana mereka tidak dapat melihatnya lagi, baginda berhenti dan menghadap ke arah Kaabah. Baginda mengangkat kedua-dua tangannya dan berdoa kepada Allah s.w.t. dengan doa berikut:

Maksudnya: Wahai Tuhan kami, sesungguhnya aku telah meninggalkan sebahagian daripada keturunanku di sebuah lembah yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa  tanaman (dan) berhampiran dengan rumah-Mu (tapak Baitullah) yang mulia. Wahai Tuhan kami, (dengan demikian) agar mereka mendirikan solat. Maka jadikanlah hati-hati manusia cenderung kepada mereka dan rezekikanlah mereka dengan buah-buahan, semoga mereka bersyukur. (Surah Ibrahim: 37)

Manakala Hajar pula terus menyusui Ismail dan minum air daripada bekasnya. Apabila air tersebut telah habis, beliau merasa dahaga. Begitu juga anaknya Ismail. Apabila beliau melihat Ismail menangis kerana kepanasan dan dahaga, beliau bangun meninggalkannya kerana tidak sanggup melihat keadaan anaknya itu. Beliau mendapati Bukit Safa merupakan bukit yang terdekat dengannya di tempat itu lalu mendakinya dan melihat ke lembah sekitarnya dengan harapan agar ternampak sesiapa.

Namun hasrat beliau tidak kesampaian. Beliau kemudiannya turun dari Bukit Safa dan terus berjalan-jalan. Apabila sampai di tengah lembah beliau menyinsing kainnya dan berlari-lari anak kerana runsing dan bimbang. (Kawasan itu sekarang ditandakan dengan dua lampu berwarna hijau).

Kemudian beliau kembali sampai ke Bukit Marwah. Hajar mendakinya dan melihat ke sekitarnya dengan harapan yang sama, tetapi tidak seorang manusia pun kelihatan berada di situ. Hajar mengulangi perbuatan in (berulang-alik antara Safa dan Marwah) sebanyak tujuh kali.

Berkata Ibn Abbas: Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud: "Rukun Sa'i (berjalan) di antara Safa dan Marwah adalah berdasarkan peristiwa ini.

Apabila tiba di Marwah pada kali terakhir, Hajar terdengar seakan-akan bunyi suara, lalu beliau mendiamkan diri dan memasang telinga dengan teliti. Beliau mendengar bunyi suatu suara yang berkata kepadanya: "Aku telah mendengar suara kamu. Adakah kamu mempunyai sesuatu untuk menolongku?"

Alangkah terkejutnya beliau apabila melihat malaikat di tempat telaga zamzam sedang menggali tanah dengan kakinya (atau sayapnya), sehinggalah air terpancar keluar dari tempat itu. Hajar mula membuat batas dengan tangannya di sekeliling mata air tersebut dan mengisi bekas airnya dengan air yang mula mengalir keluar.

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda lagi: "Semoga Allah merahmati ibu Ismail. Jika beliau membiarkan air zamzam (mengalir tanpa cuba membatasinya atau tidak menceduknya untuk mengisi bekasnya), nescaya zamzam akan menjadi sungai mengalir keseluruh muka bumi."

Hajar lalu meminum air itu dan menyusukan anaknya. Malaikat tersebut berkata kepadanya: "Jangan kamu merasa bimbang bahawa kamu akan diabaikan kerana kawasan ini adalah tapak kepada rumah Allah yang akan dibina oleh anak ini dan bapanya dan Allah s.w.t. tidak akan melupakan hamba-Nya."

MAKKAH al-Mukarramah. Kelebihan & Sejarah: Abd. Absit Abd. Rahman
                                                      Kata Penghantar: Zahazan Mohamed


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kaabah: Binaan Adam a.s


Binaan Kedua: Binaan Adam a.s.

Al-Azraqi meriwayatkan daripada Ibn Abbas r.a. bahawa beliau berkata: "Semasa Adam a.s. diturunkan dari Syurga dan sampai ke bumi, baginda telah berkata: 'Wahai Tuhan, mengapa aku tidak, mendengar lagi suara malaikat?' Allah s.w.t berfirman: 'Semuanya kerana kesalahan engkau wahai Adam.' Kemudian Allah s.w.t. memerintahkan supaya baginda membina Kaabah dan bertawaf mengelilinginya sebagaimana malaikat mengelilinginya Arasy. Adam berjalan menuju ke tapak pembinaan Kaabah.

Bumi telah dikecilkan oleh Allah dan tempoh perjalanannya menjadi pendek. Setiap tempat yang dipijak oleh Adam akan dijadikan oleh Allah s.w.t. sebagai kawasan yang subur dan berpenghuni. Apabila sampai di Makkah, malaikat Jibrail a.s. memukul dengan sayapnya  di tapak pembinaan Kaabah dan malaikat membawa batu kepadanya untuk dibina Kaabah. Bahan binaannya daripada batu yang diambil daripada lima gunung iaitu gunung Lubnan, Tur Zaita, Tur Sina, Jauudi dan Hira'. Sementara konkritnya pula dibuat daripada batu pejal hitam.

Kata Ibn Abbas: "Adam ialah manusia pertama yang mengasaskan al-Bait (Kaabah), Baginda menunaikan solat serta bertawaf di situ. Imam al-Syafi'i r.h.m. meriwayatkan daripada Muhammad bin Ka'ab al-Qurazi katanya: "Sewaktu Adam a.s. menunaikan fardu haji baginda telah berjumpa dengan malaikat. Mereka berkata kepadanya 'Sempurnakan haji engkau wahai Adam. Kami telah melakukan haji sebelum engkau semenjak 200 tahun yang lalu.

MAKKAH al-Mukarramah. Kelebihan & Sejarah: Abd. Basit Abd. Rahman
                                                    Kata Penghantar: Zahazan Mohammed


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Noble Prophet s.a.w : A Mercy to Mankind


How His Mercy, as a General Phenomenon, Embraces all Beings-
Humans, Jinns, Believers, Disbelievers, and even Animals 

ALLAH said:

    "And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the
     'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)". 
                                                                                           (Qur'an 21:107)

For someone to be  merciful does not necessarily mean that everyone will benefit from him. Some people might reject has kind gestures; nonetheless, that does change the fact he is merciful and compassionate towards. This explains how the Prophet (PBUH) is a mercy to all created beings: Believers accepted and were grateful for the message he (PBUH) came with; disbelievers, on the other hand, rejected him.

The latter category of people took one of Allah's greatest blessings (the Prophet PBUH), rejected it, and replaced it with disbelief. But even still, even tough disbelievers rejected Islam, the Prophet PBUH merely by being sent to mankind, was a mercy to disbelievers, or in other words, disbelievers, in spite of themselves, benefited from the Prophet PBUH being sent  to them.

How's that so?.. Ibn Abbas rha explains in a narration that is related in At-Tabari : "As for he who believers in Allah and the Day of Resurrection, written for him is mercy both in this world and in the Hereafter. And as for him who doesn't believe in Allah and His Messenger he will be kept safe from the destructive punishments-such as being swallowed by the earth or being destroyed by a violent wind- that afflicted past Nations".(1)

The Prophet PBUH is a mercy for everyone is further illustrated by the following Hadith: Abu Hurairah rha reported that someone once said to the Prophet PBUH, "O Messenger of Allah, supplicate (to ALLAH) against the polytheists." The prophet PBUH replied, 

    "Verily, I have not been sent as a curser; instead, I have been sent only as      a mercy (to all created beings)". (2)

Hudhaifah rha reported that the Prophet PBUH said,

    "If there is any man from my Nation that I have sworn at or cursed out of         anger, then that is because I am from the children of Adam: I become             angry just as the other children of Adam become angry. nonetheless, Allah     has sent me only as a mercy to all created beings; so (O ALLAH), make it    (the curses I made) a mercy for them (the Muslims I might have cursed or         swore at out of anger) on the Day of Resurrection." (3)

According to another Hadith that Abu Hurairah rha related, the Prophet  PBUH said:

   "Verily, I am nothing more than a mercy that has given as a gift (to all                 created beings)".

And while enumerating his own, the Prophet PBUH said:

   "I am Muhammad, and Ahmad, and Al-Muqaffi (from the verb Qafa, which     means to come after, or to follow in the footsteps of....; therefore, Al-Muqaffi     here means, "The one who comes after or who follows in the footsteps of     the Prophets that came before him)", and the Prophet of Repentance, and     the Prophet of Mercy." (4).

1) Related by At-Tabari in his Tafsir, Jamai' Al-Bayan (18/552)
2) Muslim (2599)
3)Abu dawud (659) and, in Sahih Abu Dawud, al-A'bani ruled taht it is authentic (3/134) 
4) Muslim (2355) and Shamail At-Tirmidhi (316) (In Al-Albani's summarized version) 

A Mercy to the Universe: Sa'eed bin 'Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani
