Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who is a greater slave than me?..


Verso, Juz' 'Amma, photo taken by Huda Din

Who is a greater slave than me?.. 
Sayyidina Umar radhiAllaahu-anhu.

One day some affluent  men fromamong the Arabs came to meet him. At that time Sayyidina Umar rha was dashing around holding up his garment. He called a person named. "Ahnaf! come and aid me. One camel of the Baitul Maal has escaped and you know how many poor people have rights over one camel".

One of the wealthy ones said: "O Commander of the Believers! Instruct one of the slaves! He will trace it. Why are you perplexed?". Sayyidina Umar rha commented: "Who is a greater slave than me?"........

A stranger could not identify Sayyidina Umar rha.

Nobody could distinguish Sayyidina Umar rha in the home or outside in the bazaar and in the street as the guide and Khaleefa of the Muslims.

Delegates of governments would arrive to present their request before him but, until some one indicated who was the Khaleefa of the Muslims, the hapless fellows would keep moving around looking for him.

How could he perceive that the man in patched clothes sitting in one corner was Umar ibn al-Khattab rha on account of whom the governments of Syria and Persia were vibrating?...

He did not use honey without consent.....

He once fell ill. Honey was recommended as a remedy. There was no honey in the house. There was honey in the Baitul Maal, but then how could he use it without the permission of the Muslims. he proceeded to the Masjid an-Nabawi and informed the people: "If you allow me I will use the honey." The people happily granted consent. he then used the honey.

Qur'an Malay World, photo taken by Huda Din

On listening to a baby crying

Once a caravan arrived in Madiinah and camped outside the city. when Sayyidina Umar rha approached to check and inquire about the condition of the caravan's occupants, he heard the crying of a baby from inside. He approached to see a baby crying on its mother's lap.

He implored the mother to cheer up the baby. When he passed there for a second time the baby was still crying an in a pitiful state. He scolded the mother angrily: "What kind of mother are you who causes the baby to cry?".

The mother replied: "Do you know why the baby is crying? In truth the Khaleefa has decreed the baby will not receive any allowance from the Baitul Maal so long as it does not leave drinking milk, I am trying to make him leave milk but he does not want to, so what else can he do but cry?....

On hearing this Sayyidina Umar rha exclaimed: "O Umar! O don't know how many babies will have died as a result of this decree." O that same day a law was made that a child would be given an allowance from birth from the Baitul Maal.

by: M.Makbool A.Suhaarui, 
Translated by: Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elise


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