Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Noble Prophet s.a.w : A Mercy to Mankind


How His Mercy, as a General Phenomenon, Embraces all Beings-
Humans, Jinns, Believers, Disbelievers, and even Animals 

ALLAH said:

    "And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the
     'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)". 
                                                                                           (Qur'an 21:107)

For someone to be  merciful does not necessarily mean that everyone will benefit from him. Some people might reject has kind gestures; nonetheless, that does change the fact he is merciful and compassionate towards. This explains how the Prophet (PBUH) is a mercy to all created beings: Believers accepted and were grateful for the message he (PBUH) came with; disbelievers, on the other hand, rejected him.

The latter category of people took one of Allah's greatest blessings (the Prophet PBUH), rejected it, and replaced it with disbelief. But even still, even tough disbelievers rejected Islam, the Prophet PBUH merely by being sent to mankind, was a mercy to disbelievers, or in other words, disbelievers, in spite of themselves, benefited from the Prophet PBUH being sent  to them.

How's that so?.. Ibn Abbas rha explains in a narration that is related in At-Tabari : "As for he who believers in Allah and the Day of Resurrection, written for him is mercy both in this world and in the Hereafter. And as for him who doesn't believe in Allah and His Messenger he will be kept safe from the destructive punishments-such as being swallowed by the earth or being destroyed by a violent wind- that afflicted past Nations".(1)

The Prophet PBUH is a mercy for everyone is further illustrated by the following Hadith: Abu Hurairah rha reported that someone once said to the Prophet PBUH, "O Messenger of Allah, supplicate (to ALLAH) against the polytheists." The prophet PBUH replied, 

    "Verily, I have not been sent as a curser; instead, I have been sent only as      a mercy (to all created beings)". (2)

Hudhaifah rha reported that the Prophet PBUH said,

    "If there is any man from my Nation that I have sworn at or cursed out of         anger, then that is because I am from the children of Adam: I become             angry just as the other children of Adam become angry. nonetheless, Allah     has sent me only as a mercy to all created beings; so (O ALLAH), make it    (the curses I made) a mercy for them (the Muslims I might have cursed or         swore at out of anger) on the Day of Resurrection." (3)

According to another Hadith that Abu Hurairah rha related, the Prophet  PBUH said:

   "Verily, I am nothing more than a mercy that has given as a gift (to all                 created beings)".

And while enumerating his own, the Prophet PBUH said:

   "I am Muhammad, and Ahmad, and Al-Muqaffi (from the verb Qafa, which     means to come after, or to follow in the footsteps of....; therefore, Al-Muqaffi     here means, "The one who comes after or who follows in the footsteps of     the Prophets that came before him)", and the Prophet of Repentance, and     the Prophet of Mercy." (4).

1) Related by At-Tabari in his Tafsir, Jamai' Al-Bayan (18/552)
2) Muslim (2599)
3)Abu dawud (659) and, in Sahih Abu Dawud, al-A'bani ruled taht it is authentic (3/134) 
4) Muslim (2355) and Shamail At-Tirmidhi (316) (In Al-Albani's summarized version) 

A Mercy to the Universe: Sa'eed bin 'Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani


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